Interesting Trivia About the NCLEX-RN® Exam

Interesting Trivia About the NCLEX-RN® Exam
When it comes to the NCLEX-RN exam, there is some common knowledge most students and educators already know. For example, you know it’s a Computer Adaptive Examination, you know that it’s a grueling test that can take up to six hours to complete, and you certainly know that you have to pass the exam to gain licensure and begin practicing.
Interesting Trivia About the NCLEX-RN® Exam

When it comes to the NCLEX-RN exam, there is some common knowledge most students and educators already know. For example, you know it’s a Computer Adaptive Examination, you know that it’s a grueling test that can take up to six hours to complete, and you certainly know that you have to pass the exam to gain licensure and begin practicing.

But here are some facts about the NCLEX-RN exam that you may not know:

  • The NCLEX-RN was first given in 1983 as a paper-based examination with 80,000 test-takers annually. (Those numbers have certainly gone up. There were 236,182 test-takers in 2018 alone.)
  • In 2015, the NCLEX-RN exam became available in French. (All examinations are administered at Pearson VUE testing centers throughout the United States and Canada. The NCLEX-RN may be scheduled at any Pearson VUE testing center by appointment.)
  • In 2013, the NCLEX-RN was adjusted to a higher standard of minimal competency, resulting in the overall pass rate dropping to 80%. For the first eight months of the new exam, nearly 22,500 out of 115,000 candidates failed.
  • The average test length was 118 questions. (The minimum number of questions is 75, and the maximum number of questions is 265.)
  • 52.8% of candidates took the minimum number of questions while 12.9% of candidates took the maximum number of questions.
  • The average test time was 2 hours and 17 minutes.
  • 1.5% of candidates took the maximum amount of time (6 hours).
  • Content is reviewed regularly by the NCSBN based on graduate surveys, with recent changes emphasizing the evolving complexity of modern nursing and client care in a variety of clinical scenarios.

Those are just a few fun facts about the current NCLEX-RN exam. Click here to see a more detailed breakdown of the exam as you prepare to take the test that does more than just start your career, it catapults you into your calling.

If you are preparing to take an upcoming NCLEX-RN exam, check out UWorld, the industry leader in NCLEX-RN prep. With over 2,000 NCLEX-style questions, written at the application level or higher, you can rest assured you’ll be ready on test day. Click here to begin your test preparation today.

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