NCLEX-RN® Success Story from Canadian Nursing Program

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Learn how UWorld’s NCLEX-RN® QBank helped Canadian nurse educators at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan, surpass national pass rates on the NCLEX.
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The feedback, input, and advice from our nursing students and the recent graduates of our nursing programs are invaluable. Students can see things we easily miss, and they know a good learning tool when they see one. It’s our job to hear their feedback and see how their ideas might be implemented to improve the learning process. 

That’s what happened at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan. The story goes like this . . . 

“Buy UWorld and do lots of QBank questions to get ready for the NCLEX.”

These words from a recent graduate, speaking to a class of 4th-year students, still stick in the mind of Assistant Professor, Melanie Wilson. 

Hearing this graduate’s advice and seeing the response of other students to the UWorld Nursing QBank convinced her to advocate with the University of British Columbia to implement UWorld’s 730-day subscription for third- and fourth-year RN students.

“Prior to adoption, many of our students were independently purchasing UWorld to prepare for the NCLEX. They spoke very highly of UWorld for this preparation, and we saw an opportunity to adopt UWorld as a program that was already our students’ and graduates’ preference,” says Wilson.

And it’s a good thing they did; the results have been outstanding. 

After using QBank questions as homework quizzes in multiple courses, requiring a minimum level of QBank achievement for grade completion, and implementing remediation based on a student’s UWorld performance, the university’s 2021 nursing cohort reported a 95.38% first-time pass rate and a 96.99% ultimate pass rate, almost 3% higher than the average in British Columbia.

At the University of British Columbia – Okanagan, the adoption of UWorld has not only boosted passing rates but made classroom learning a brand new experience. “It’s amazing how often a QBank question comes up in class. I like being able to look up the question, discuss, and review with students,” Wilson states.

UWorld has always been the students’ choice. And after hearing their feedback, it’s quickly becoming the choice of Canadian nursing programs, too!

Are you an educator, working to prepare your students for NGN success? UWorld’s Next Gen NCLEX items build strong clinical judgment skills and promote student success. Developed by experienced nurse educators and practicing nurses, our assignable questions, detailed answer explanations, vivid illustrations and images, and simple reporting features do more than just improve a program’s NCLEX-RN or NCLEX-PN pass rates — they help prepare the next generation of nurses for a safe, accurate, and fulfilling career in nursing.

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