Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN) Items in UWorld’s QBanks

nclex items in the nclex-rn and nclex-pn qbanks
UWorld announces the introduction of assignable Next Generation NCLEX items in the NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN QBanks.
nclex items in the nclex-rn and nclex-pn qbanks
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The long awaited Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN) exam is almost here, and nursing programs are rightfully looking for revised resources that will help prepare their students for exam success. At UWorld, we have worked with great dedication to ensure our NCLEX-RN® and NCLEX-PN® QBanks are updated with NGN-style items so educators are equipped with high-quality resources to prepare students for the new exam. 

UWorld’s Next Generation NCLEX-RN (NGN-RN) QBank

To align with new question types that will be seen in the Next Generation NCLEX, the UWorld NCLEX-RN QBank now has dozens of NGN-style case studies that can be assigned by educators through the Learning Platform. Each of our case studies includes six items presented in sequential order, and each of these items assesses one of the six components of the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model. The new stand-alone trend and bowtie items will be added to the QBank throughout the fall. 

Our new NGN items include the same hallmark features that have helped so many nurses succeed – clinically-relevant content, vivid imagery and illustrations, and in-depth explanations for correct and incorrect answers. 

UWorld’s Next Generation NCLEX-PN (NGN-PN) QBank

The NCLEX-RN isn’t the only exam facing changes; the NCLEX-PN is also being updated to better assess practical nursing students’ clinical judgment skills. Like the NGN-RN, the NGN-PN will include new standalone items and case studies as part of the exam updates. 

Next Generation NCLEX case studies are now available in UWorld’s NCLEX-PN QBank, and assignable and gradable through the Learning Platform for Nursing. Stand-alone items will be added to the QBank throughout the remainder of the year.  

Assigning NGN items through UWorld’s Learning Platform

If you are looking for high-quality Next Generation NCLEX items to prepare your students for the updated exam, look no further than UWorld’s Learning Platform for Nursing. Available for RN and PN programs, the Learning Platform enables you to assign NGN-style and traditional items for homework, remediation, and formative assessment. Additionally, you can create presentations to introduce the new item types, develop students’ clinical judgment, or reinforce key information and skills. Gradebook and reporting tools enable you to closely monitor progress at the individual, group, or cohort level and remediate long before the exam. 

As part of your Learning Platform adoption, students will also receive access to a self-study QBank so they can continue practicing NGN items on their own time. The self-study QBank includes a variety of study tools designed to improve their retention and strengthen their test-taking skills. 

Start preparing now for the Next Generation NCLEX

If your students are asking, “When will the Next Generation NCLEX start?”, the answer is April 1, 2023. With these changes coming so quickly, it is imperative that nursing programs begin using the new case studies and standalone items their students will see as part of the NGN. When you adopt UWorld’s Learning Platform for NCLEX-RN or NCLEX-PN, the results are a win for students and educators alike: meaningful practice with high-quality NGN items, timely remediation, data-driven decision making, and increased pass rates. 

UWorld’s Learning Platform for Nursing was developed by nursing educators and practicing nurses in a way designed to build critical reasoning and critical thinking skills. The assignable questions, detailed answer explanations, vivid illustrations and images, and performance tracking do more than just improve a program’s NCLEX-RN or NCLEX-PN pass rates — they build student confidence, increase learning opportunities, and help prepare the next generation of nurses for a safe, accurate, and fulfilling career in nursing. And now, you have the ability to create presentations or assignments using Next Gen case studies, traditional questions, or a mix of both.

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