Maternal-Newborn Content for Nurse Educator Courses

Transform your Maternal-Newborn Health course with engaging, evidence-based content and assignments - flexible enough for any course configuration.
Animated GIF of images of UWorld’s Maternal/Newborn Health course content

Flexible Maternal-Newborn Content for All Nursing Programs

Our engaging, all-digital program equips students with knowledge and skills for safe and effective Maternal-Newborn care. Comprehensive yet adaptable, our material can be incorporated into your existing curriculum to increase student engagement and understanding.


Licensed Practical or Vocational Nursing Programs


Associate Degree in Nursing Programs


Traditional and Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing Programs


RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing Programs

Evidence-based Content for Maternal Health Courses

To ensure your students and instructors receive the most accurate Maternal-Newborn Health information, our fully digital solution is regularly updated with date-stamped content reflecting the latest professional standards and guidelines.

Nurse with Patient
  • Prenatal care and development, including physiological changes during pregnancy, fetal development throughout the trimesters, and prenatal assessment and testing procedures.
  • The stages of labor, normal and abnormal deliveries, pain management techniques, and interventions like cesarean sections.
  • Next-Generation NCLEX® case studies on key Maternal Health topics to develop students’ clinical judgment and critical thinking skills.

Embrace an Active Learning Approach

Our engaging online program utilizes active learning to transform students into active participants. Bite-sized video lessons, interactive exercises, and targeted practice questions foster deeper understanding and retention of critical Maternal-Newborn Health concepts.

Maternal-Newborn Health Lecture Videos

Enhance your students' knowledge of essential Maternal Health concepts through our captivating yet concise lecture videos. Tailored to modern learners, these brief videos present key topics in a way that keeps them engaged and eager to learn more.

Maternal-Newborn Health Lecture Videos

Assign, Present, & Poll

Assign, Present, & Poll

Easily assign or present Maternal-Newborn Health content while receiving instant feedback on automatically scored assignments. Use our curated assignments, or create your own from our bank. Our items can also be presented in class to lead discussions and form team activities.

Gradebook & Reporting

Track student progress and performance with our gradebook and detailed reporting features. Administrators can use item-level reports to ensure program alignment with professional standards such as the AACN Essentials, QSEN competencies, etc.

Gradebook & Reporting

Sample Maternal-Newborn Health Course Content

Discover the impact of our content and tools with free samples from our Maternal-Newborn Health course. These high-quality, evidence-based materials are tailored to captivate today’s learners and advance mental health education.

Sample Video

Engage with a dynamic lecture video designed to enhance student understanding in the mental health course.

Sample UGuide

Provide students with a clear, concise lecture outline to reinforce key concepts in the mental health course.

Sample Question

Explore how our mental health questions and detailed rationales provide instant feedback and remediation.

Your Partner Every Step of the Way

Spend more time teaching and less time troubleshooting. Our dedicated team will be with you every step of the way to provide personalized product training and implementation support.

Initial Training

Virtual or on-demand training options are available to set you up for success.

Ongoing Support

Get dedicated help throughout the term to ensure a successful implementation.

Resource Center

Access on-demand training and support resources anytime, anywhere.

Discover the UWorld Difference

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Our Maternal-Newborn Health course content is updated and date-stamped to display when the material was last revised. This eliminates the need to regularly replace outdated textbooks and other supporting tools while ensuring all stakeholders know the content is current and reliable.
Yes. Our Maternal-Newborn Health course material is regularly updated to align with core student learning objectives. Our content is delivered through concise lecture videos and supporting practice questions with detailed rationales instead of textbooks.
Yes. Our online teaching and learning resources for Maternal-Newborn Health were created with flexibility in mind and can be tailored to traditional and accelerated BSN programs.
Yes. Our Maternal-Newborn Health course content includes NGN case studies to help students apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.

Yes. Our Maternal-Newborn Health course aligns with the AACN Essentials, featured domains. Additionally, active learning is a focus of the new Essentials, which matches our program’s instructional methodology.

Yes. We provide Maternal-Newborn Health instructors with assignable practice questions, faculty notes, and customizable PowerPoint presentations.
Yes. Our support team is dedicated to assisting faculty with technical difficulties and other inquiries. Within the application, instructors and students can access a “Resource Center” consisting of training videos, updates, and FAQs about using the product.
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